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domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2009

Stop!... MiLo-Time!

Hello readers, visitors, friends, curious, and so on.
I will take a "break" family for a week so there will be no posts, so here a preview of news. New portfolios for Dan, Max and Alex for the girls and for my boys new fresh images of Sol, Elda, Edith, Sandra, Elizabeth and sexy Sabrina.
So stay tuned.
I wish you merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Peace to your homes.


viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2009

The photo that started it all

Thanks to this picture is that I'm living one of my greatest dreams.
Thank you Leo the credit is yours.


jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2009

her last name is Chavez ...and she is not from Venezuela

Blanca Chavez has been in constant evolution as a model since the first time I worked with her.  
Another Milo Model from the beginning.


miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2009

Christian in James Dean style

The 50's have returned, at least with Chris


martes, 15 de diciembre de 2009

Elda Medina by Milo800

The artistic Elda 


"Seeking her true self "

The fashion Elda




D-Blog On the set

Photo Shoot with Elda Medina and makeup artist Christian Ponce


lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2009

mus_2 ads

Advertising for the online fashion store mus-2
Models: Alesha y Mario


A photographic bug

Bicho (Bug)  has been one of my best models besides one of my best friends and a key figure in the emergence of MiLo800 Photography. Here some pictures of this red-haired friend, soon you will see more of him.


Echoes of Quinto Nivel

Two of my models enjoying the Photographic Exhibition Quinto Nivel, here Marcela and Vianey with their photos.


domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2009


Photographic Exhibition for the mall Las Misiones.


Hi everybody!

As you can see this is my first entry, I am a self-taught photographer, Visual Artist & Painter born in Cd. Juarez, Chih. (Mexico). I have discovered the beauty of fleeting moments; that some place, some object or a living person can imprint itself forever in just one picture, just like a painter creates each of these with his brush in order to stop time and keep those moments alive.
This blog is for share with you some of my work, interviews, models, things present, and so on.
Oh and if you want to know a little more of my work can visit me on Facebook

So this is it.
Thank you for visit.



Como se puede ver, esta es mi primera entrada, soy un fotógrafo autodidacta, Artista Visual y Pintor nacido en CD. Juárez, Chih. (México). He descubierto la belleza de momentos fugaces, que en algún lugar, algún objeto o una persona viva pueda grabarse para siempre en una sola imagen, como un pintor crea cada uno de estos con su pincel con el fin de detener el tiempo y mantener vivos esos momentos.
Este blog es para compartir con ustedes algunas de mis trabajo, entrevistas, modelos, cosas de actualidad, etc.
Ah y si desean conocer un poco más de mi trabajo pueden visitarme en Facebook
Así que esto es todo.
Gracias por visitar.

